Zac Poonen

Sex, Love & Marriage: The Christian Approach


Is it alright to date someone? What about falling in love? How should I choose my life partner? Find, in this book, some clear advice to help you through your teen and youth years.

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Sex, Love & Marriage: The Christian Approach

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Sex, Love & Marriage

Sex, love and marriage! What vital subjects! None can remain unaffected by them. And yet what ignorance prevails about the real purpose of these gifts of God to mankind.

In India, instruction on these matters is usually not given either by parents to their children or by pastors to their young people. As a result, young people obtain their information in perverted forms from the “gutter”. The world and the Devil are quick to teach them in their own way what the Church should have taught them first in a pure way. Ignorance about the Scriptural teaching on these subjects has left most young people defenceless against Satan’s subtle attacks in these realms. This book is an attempt to cater to this need. It presents sex, love and marriage from God’s viewpoint.

God Himself is the essence of true love and He is the One Who created sex and ordained marriage. He alone can therefore tell us what love really means, and how sex and marriage can be used for our greatest good. What God has said in His Word, we shall find is contrary to much that this world teaches on these subjects. But the teaching of God’s Word is like a rock. He who builds his life on it can never fall – no storm or earthquake will ever shake him.

There are some matters on which one cannot be dogmatic. In these, I have refrained from dogmatism. But there are other matters on which one cannot but be firm. On such matters I have expressed myself unequivocally.

I have done some plain speaking in this book. There are some strong statements too. Most evangelical Christians in India, I fear, have soft-pedaled these issues for too long. Many a young life might have been saved from ruin if Christian leaders had spoken with a firmer voice on these matters. Hence I make no apology for hitting hard in some places. I have seen many Christians falling into Satan’s traps in the realm of sex. I have also seen many “Christian” marriages that have fulfilled the devil’s purpose instead of God’s. I cannot but open fire now with the deadliest weapons inGod’s armoury.

Chapter Six, “FOR GIRLS ONLY“, has been very kindly contributed by my wife.

I would urge young people to read through this book seriously. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Prevention is better than cure. Taking heed to what is said herein may save you from many a heartache and many a shipwreck in the future.

In many places where I have used the pronouns, “he” and “him”, they do not refer only to men. I have used these words in a generic way to refer to mankind in general – and so women are included too. The places where this is so will be obvious to the reader.

It is my prayer that this book will be a blessing to many in helping them to find God’s perfect will in sex, love and marriage.

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3 reviews for Sex, Love & Marriage: The Christian Approach

  1. Anil Kumar Balla (verified owner)

  2. Sandesh Gude (verified owner)

    Beautifully written, every youth should read this book specially newly married couple.

  3. Tina S. (verified owner)

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About the Author

zac poonen

Zac Poonen

Zac Poonen was formerly an Indian Naval Officer who has been serving the Lord in India for over 50 years as a Bible-teacher. He has responsibility for a number of churches in India and abroad. He has written more than 30 books and numerous articles in English - which have been translated into many Indian and foreign languages. His messages are available on audio CDs and video DVDs.Like the other elders in CFC, Zac Poonen also supports himself and his family through "tent-making" and does not receive any salary for his services. He does not receive any royalty for any of his books, CDs or DVDs, that are published by Christian Fellowship Centre, Bangalore.