Zac Poonen

దేవుని పరిచర్యను దేవుని మార్గములో చేయవలెను – God’s Work Done In God’s Way: Leadership of New-Covenant Churches (Telugu)


Is it possible to do God’s work today in the same way as it was done by Jesus and the apostles (leadership)? The answer is YES. In this book Zac Poonen writes how he and his coworkers have proved that.

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Gods Work Done In Gods Way telugu
దేవుని పరిచర్యను దేవుని మార్గములో చేయవలెను - God's Work Done In God's Way: Leadership of New-Covenant Churches (Telugu)

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దేవుని పరిచర్యను దేవుని మార్గములో చేయవలెను: Leadership of New-Covenant Churches – Zac Poonen

God’s work today is not being done in the way that Jesus and the apostles did it. Money has become the most important factor in Christian work today. But money was never a factor for the Lord and His apostles.

Is it possible to do God’s work today in the same way as it was done by Jesus and the apostles? The answer is YES. And Zac Poonen and his coworkers have proved that during the last 43 years.

Zac waited 43 years to write this book – since he did not want to write about unproven theories. What he learnt in these years about God’s way of building new-covenant churches has made him a debtor (he says) to all believers, to share with them what God has taught him. This book is his effort to clear that debt.

This book is meant for all who have a passionate longing to walk as Jesus walked, to build godly families and to build new-covenant churches for the glory of God.

If I had been living in Noah’s time, the top priority of my life would have been to use all my spare time to help Noah in building the ark – because I would know that the ark was the only construction that would survive God’s judgment at that time.

Even so, I see now that the top priority for me on earth must be to build the church of Jesus Christ. This is because the church alone will remain when God finally destroys this present world. If you are wise, you will also do the same.

Christian Work Today versus the New Testament Standard

When we compare much of the Christian work being done on earth today, with what we see in the New Testament, we see a vast difference. Very few are seeking to build the church according to New Testament principles. In fact, most Christian leaders seem to consider it impossible and impracticable to follow those principles in our day and age. And so, we see most Christian work being done in the same way that worldly corporations do their work – and in a very different way from the way that the apostles worked.

To give just a few examples:

– Churches hire Pastors in the same way that companies hire CEOs.

– Churches pay Pastors in the same way that companies pay their CEOs.

– Most Pastors choose the church that has the greatest prestige and offers the highest salary, just like business executives choose whichever company has the greatest prestige and offers the highest salary.

– Money is as important in church-work as it is in worldly companies.

– Education in Bible-seminaries has become essential for Christian work just as college-education is essential for employment in companies. (By this standard, none of Jesus’ 11 disciples would have qualified for any Christian work today!)

– Most Pastors follow worldly management techniques to run their churches, instead of seeking for the anointing and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

– And many similar examples.

All this and much more that we see in Christendom today is the very opposite of what we see of God’s plan for the church, in the New Testament. The church is imitating the world – and so, spiritual death rules in most churches, even though some of those churches are mega-churches with many thousands of members and thoroughly evangelical in doctrine. Babylonian Christianity is a huge set-up. Its doctrines may be evangelical but its life and priorities are wrong. And so, it will be totally destroyed by God one day (See Rev.17 and 18).

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About the Author

zac poonen

Zac Poonen

Zac Poonen was formerly an Indian Naval Officer who has been serving the Lord in India for over 50 years as a Bible-teacher. He has responsibility for a number of churches in India and abroad. He has written more than 30 books and numerous articles in English - which have been translated into many Indian and foreign languages. His messages are available on audio CDs and video DVDs.Like the other elders in CFC, Zac Poonen also supports himself and his family through "tent-making" and does not receive any salary for his services. He does not receive any royalty for any of his books, CDs or DVDs, that are published by Christian Fellowship Centre, Bangalore.