Encouragement For Mothers by Annie Zac Poonen
Many years ago when my children were young, I faced many challenges. Deep down in my heart was a longing to be a better wife, a better mother and a better person. I heard a beautiful story then that helped me.
Someone was walking by a large construction-site and saw many people working there. It looked like they were building something big there. Some were digging the ground, others were carrying logs and bricks, and some others were mixing cement and sand together, and so on. Everybody was busy doing something or the other. He asked some of the workers, “What are you doing here?” One said, “I am carrying bricks”. Another said, “I am doing the woodwork.” Another said, “I’m mixing the cement and sand”. Finally, one of them said, “I am the engineer working here. We are building a cathedral”.
When we think of the mundane things we do as wives and mothers, we may also say, “I am just changing the diapers”, or “I am just cleaning the house”, or “I am just cooking and washing the dishes”. But God is building His holy temple within us. It is a wonderful work that God is doing in us. Not only are we bringing up our children for Him, with His help, but He is also building His temple within us at the same time. Our home life and our family life are being built for the glory of Jesus Christ. And we can present our children to Him, so that they can experience the same glorious work in their lives as well. Our family will then be a beautiful temple for the glory of God – and our children will be a part of that.
God encouraged me then to be faithful in the little things I do at home, and to be content with my life, and not to think that I should be doing something great in the eyes of the world, as a career-woman (since by profession, I was a medical doctor). Then I found a delight in the ordinary chores I did at home, knowing that God had planned every detail of my life and that He knew me and appreciated everything I did for Him.
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